Message of the day¶
Why not include a nice message of the day for each server I log into?
The below gives some insight into what the servers running, status of zpools, usage, etc. While not show below - thankfully - If a zpool error is found the status gives a full zpool status -x
debrief which is particulary eye-catching upon login.
I've also squeezed in a 'reboot required' flag for when the server had detected its running kernel/init/systemd is a different version to what it booted with - useful to know when long running servers require a reboot to pick up new kernel/etc versions.
Write a shell script using nix with a bash motd of your choosing.
motd = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "motd"
#! /usr/bin/env bash
source /etc/os-release
service_status=$(systemctl list-units | grep podman-)
<- SNIP ->
printf "$BOLDService status$ENDCOLOR\n"
This gets us a shells script we can then directly call into systemPackages - and after that its just a short hop to make this part of the shell init.
Replace with your preferred shell!